Creating New Objects

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Objects Explained

The Subscribe-HR System is an object orientated system. Every page is an object. If we were wanting to create a new page or a new form, we would be creating a new object in the system.
The same rules apply when we are locating a page to modify it through the Development Tool. The Object we would be searching for is the exact name of the page.
Example: To add an element to the Employee Medical form, the Object to modify is 'Employee Medical'.

The Relationship between Objects and Elements

As explained above, because the Subscribe-HR System is an object orientated system, every page or form is an Object.

An Element is an item on a page or a form. These items (Elements) are required to be linked to a page/form (otherwise known as an Object).
This is enforced by requiring that an Object be selected/nominated first before an Element can be created.
Example: If I want to create a new element (say a form field) and add this to the Employee Medical form, I would have to select Objects, locate the Object called Employee Medical and then select Elements from the sub-menu that opens up on the left-hand side of the System/screen.

Creating New Objects

  1. Messages can be viewed/accessed via General menu (left-hand side of the System/screen) > Development > Objects.
  2. Select the Objects folder.
  3. Select the [Add new record] button.
  4. Enter the Object Name - this should be the page/form name.
  5. Enter the Object Menu Name - this is the name you wish the menu item to be called.
  6. Select from the Belongs to module drop down and specify which module the Object should belong to. You are specifying where this page should be available in the System. If you are creating a new page for Human Resources, then select Human Resources from the drop down.
    If you require this same page to appear in more than one module you will need to create a separate object for that module.
  7. Check Remove from menu if you do not want this item to appear in the menu of the selected module.
  8. Check Store single record only if you wish the system to not allow multiple records.
  9. Check Include in WSDL (Web Services Description Language) if you wish to enable third party integration on this page, which allows data to be retrieved and sent to from an external application.
  10. Check Disable History Tracking which will remove audit - History Tracking from the Table.
  11. Check Exclude During Cloning which will remove Cloning behaviour from the Object and Fields.
  12. Check Indexable. Tick this option to allow for this Table to be used in Global Search.
  13. Select the Form behaviour.
    Stay On The Form After Save, when data is created and saved will cause the page to refresh and remain on that record.
    Redirect To Search After Save when data is created and saved will cause the page to redirect back to the Objects search page and show a list of all records.
  14. Check this Allow for multiple Records to be Created. This option relates to the Change Request Widgets and Wizards. If you Tick this you will be able to created multiple new records through the wizard as once. If Multi Job Functionality is turned on, this will be automatically ticketed. If Multi Job Functionality is not on, this field will be invisible because you can only create one new Job Record at a time. Same with Salary.
  15. Check this Show this Object in the Change Request Wizard. If you tick this option you will see this option in the Change Request Wizard.
  16. Select app in Belongs to App field if this object is to be added to one of your apps.
  17. Select the [Save] button.

Mandatory fields are marked with Red Asterisk, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

After the Object has been saved, you will notice sub folders off the Objects menu. some of these are:

  • Elements
  • Actions
  • Relationships
  • Workflow Tasks
  • Workflow Forms
  • Snippets
  • Layout

It is important to know that the Object will not appear on the menu of the selected module unless it has at least one element created for that Object.

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