Relationships with an Object

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Defining Relationships for an Object

When defining relationships in the Subscribe-HR system, you are defining the Parent and Child relationships of Objects. This is also how we create folders and sub-folders in the system.
When we create a new object or page by default the Object is a Parent, when we define the relation the Object now knows where it belongs, and this maybe a child.

Example:The Object Employee Medical started life as a parent, and then a Parent of relationship was defined.
The Object Employee Medical is a child of the Object Employee due to the relationship defined.

To add an object (sub-folder) under a parent object (folder), you should select the Parent Object first and then define a Parent of relationship with the desired Object.

To move a Parent Object and its Child objects under a new Parent Object, you should select the Object you wish to move, and then define a Child of relationship with the desired object.

Creating the relationship for an Object

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select the Development TAB
  2. Select the Objects Folder.
  3. Select the Object that you wish to define a relationship for.
  4. Select the Relationships SubFolder.
  5. Select the [Add new record] button.
  6. Select the Relationship Type:
    Parent of means that the object you select in the Object Name field below will become the Child of the Object you are working under.
    Child of means that the select Object you are working under will become the Child of the Object you select in the Object name look-up.
  7. Select the Object name. (if you created a new object / page you will find it in this drop down)
  8. Select app in Belongs to App field if this relationship is to be added to one of your apps.
  9. Select the [Save] button.

Mandatory fields are marked with Red Asterisk, the record will not be saved unless mandatory fields are filled in first.

Example: We have created an Object called Employee Medical and wish for this Object to appear under the Employee Folder.

  1. After logging into the Subscribe-HR portal, select the Development TAB
  2. Select the Objects Folder.
  3. Select the Employee Object.
  4. Select the Relationships SubFolder.
  5. Select the [Add new record] button.
  6. Select the Relationship type as Parent of.
  7. Select the Object name Employee Medical.
  8. Select the [Save] button.

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