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Subscribe-HR 2.7.2 is here! Social media referrals tracking.

Written by Mathew French | 4 March 2011

We are pleased to announce that the latest version of Subscribe-HR platform has now been released. Users and applicants will now be able to create and track referrals via Linkedin and Twitter.

This feature is truly a great addition to the overall platform which will help users to leverage social media for finding new talent.

Creating a referral on the Vacancy Page

A new set of button on the vacancy page will bring up a referral box where a social media site can be selected.
Next step will require users to login into their Linkedin or Twitter account. Authenticated users will then be able to send direct messages to their contacts or post status updates.
Creating a referral on your custom Microsite

Applicants who visit your job board can forward vacancies directly to their contacts on Linkedin or publish it on Twitter using “Share This Job” link.
Tracking referrals

All referrals that were created either using back office application or microsite will be visible on Referrals tab in the Stepping Tool.
If you have any questions about this release please do not hesitate to contact us at