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On-Demand Change Management for HRIS Software: On-Demand Success

Written by Mathew French | 27 September 2011

Subscribe-HR is pleased to announce the “Go Live” of the Subscribe-HR Change Management and User Adoption Tool, “YourZone”. YourZone has been assembled with the assistance and professional guidance of “FutureKnowledge”. The purpose of “YourZone” is to allow HR Managers to easily and productively, launch the Subscribe-HR, Employee and Manager ESS. Using a blend of Technology and Change Management Expertise, YourZone allows HR Departments to Announce, and Activate a learning environment, prior to the “Go Live” of the actual Subscribe-HR ESS System. This brings a whole new layer of efficiency to HRIS Software delivery, which has already been drastically changed by the advent of Cloud Computing and Software-as-a-Service.

So now, instead of HR Managers having to spend hours and hours on Planning and Execution, with regards to how they deploy their new Employee and Manager, Management System, they can put this in the hands of the experts and delivery system based e-learning, right to the door of their people. Instantly.

We all know that HRIS Software System implementations usually fail due to lack of planning and resource allocation. Now with the Subscribe-HR Turn-Key, on-demand HRIS system and on-demand User Adoption Tool, business are right on track in their efforts to deliver a HR Software and Recruitment Software system, that provides the benefits that it will need to, in order to be seen as a success by the Companies CEO or MD.

Previous to Subscribe-HR’s standard System Delivery and on-demand User Adoption, the likleyhood of the system being delivered to the business on-line and on-budget, were remote. Therefore, the ROI business case has very little chance of success.

Special Thanks to FutureKnowledge: David and Michael Guazzarotto and Matthew Smith. They Really Know their Stuff.