HR Blog - For HR Managers including thought leadership and HR technology updates

Do You Know What Your Values Are?

Written by Mathew French | 24 June 2014

All this talk about values got me thinking : I wonder how many of us, HR Professionals in particular, actually really know what our own personal values are. Why do we do what we do, and what gets us out of bed in the mornings?

I’m sure most of us think we know what they are. However, if you look at the statistics, 30% of people often cite family as one of their most important values, yet a surprising number of these people also often spend a lot of time travelling for business meetings.

Continuing on from the last couple of Blogs about the importance of the values equation, it seemed like a good idea to ask the question 'Do you know what your personal values are?’

After all, if we don’t know what our own values are, (and subsequently, if we’re not then living those values) then how, as HR Professionals, for example, can we expect to be able to align the values of the Organisation we work for, either with our own, or with the individual values of current and prospective employees?

The next question that is worth asking, once you know what your values are, is ‘What’s missing?’ or, ‘Where are the gaps?’

Once you’re really clear on the areas that aren’t aligned, and on the gaps that you no doubt spend time trying to fill, it’s easier to get a clear picture about where you’re at in your own life. This then enables you to get better at understanding where other people are at in theirs.

For this week's Blog, we’ve searched the internet for a few interesting, and hopefully beneficial tools that you can use, either for yourself, or within your Organisation, to bring the values equation front and centre. There are multiple ways that you can dive more deeply into your own personal values and we've found some easy to use, online values based assessment tools for you to try. There are many others available, but each of these options offers a slightly different approach, yet they're all pointing in the same direction.

Try one (or even better try all) of the below options to get a clearer perspective on your own values:

We’ve also included a couple of videos for you to watch this week. The first one is just really sweet and brimming with Human Era sentiment - we couldn't resist! The second one, is an inspiring TED talk, not specifically about values per se. However, if you take the time to watch it, it will definitely get you to #thinkoutsidethesquaHR in terms of the importance of individual values, needs and the gaps that we strive to fill as human beings, in order to feel whole and complete.

After all, given the current business environment, anything that encourages us to rethink, reassess, and reframe habitual ways of doing things, has the potential to provide positive benefits, don't you think?




If you didn't see the last couple of Blogs about values based recruitment, you can read them here:

In case you missed it last week - there's a FREE download for you, all about the importance of incorporating values into the recruitment process. Take a look!