Research indicates that almost 70 per cent of HR work is still unstructured, relying on excel, email and calls, with 59% of respondents in the study on The State of HR Automation in Mid-Sized Organisations said the HR professionals in their organisation spend over half their time on manual administrative tasks. And with 90 percent of respondents in Deloitte’s 2019 Global Human Capital Trends report saying their organisations are redesigning jobs, and 32 percent are doing it substantially, that means Most (if not all) employees will require significant reskilling and upskilling within the next three to five years.
If you don't have the right solutions in place, manual, unstructured HR tasks and processes plus underskilled employees results in complexity, time wasted and ultimately, productivity drain for both HR and other employees.
That’s why the foundation of your employee experience needs to be an offering that provides a single system for employees to interact and communicate with HR for all service needs, including learning and development.
This e-Guide provides a foundation upon which you can build more effective, efficient and high-performing teams by teaming HR automation with in-the-flow-of-work learning for your employees.
The e-Guide covers:
The employee lifecycle model
HR automation
Learning & development
Optimising the employee experience
Designing a system that works for your organisation