Subscribe-HR integrates with GO1 Cloud LMS software

Share information automatically between GO1 and Subscribe-HR to achieve high level data integrity

GO1 integration HR Software and Learning Management software

The Subscribe-HR Cloud HR Software in the cloud integrates to GO1 Learning Management Software. GO1 is the simplest way for businesses to find, book and deliver their corporate training. Online or in-person, track it all with GO1 - the world’s largest marketplace of training.

Key Integration Points are:

  • Employee.

  • Job.

  • Training.

Users will be able to assign training to Employees for Onboarding, Induction, Mandatory training, Job specific training and self-directed learning. E-Learning Videos play inside Subscribe-HR so the user does not have to leave their Login to access their Training Content.

As a result of our seamless integration with GO1's LMS Software, you can manage all your HR and Learning Information in one integrated Ecosystem. Subscribe-HR utilises Amazon Web Services to keep your data safe.

Create a custom SaaS ecosystem where all your business solutions communicate seamlessly

HR Software and Learning Management Software together







Your IT ecosystem is customised and optimised

Your bottom line improves

Your people are happier

  • Your HR solution will integrate seamlessly with your eLearning solution using plug and play functionality

  • Integration capabilities mean you're in control of what business solutions you include in your ecosystem

  • Integrations increase efficiency by improving data accuracy and compliance

  • Save time and money by reducing double handling

  • Liberate your employees from manual processes and improve morale

  • Break down silos by enabling cross-functional reporting and data sharing


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