On-boarding Employees is important. Not only from an engagement and culture perspective, also from a compliance and administration reduction perspective. Have too many systems involved in the on-boarding process creates confusion. One User name and password for the e-Recruitment system, one for the Employee On-Boarding system and one for the HR Software System is just too complex. Even using Single Sign-On, the cost and complexity defeats the ROI. Have one system that does Recruitment, On-Boarding, HR, Self-Service and Performance Management is the best way forward for Mid Sized businesses. More often than not the data sets that exist in these separate applications does not match, and therefore the ability to integrate is made more difficult. Also, which provider is responsible if something does not work? Having to call 4 different providers is just not going to cut it.
When customisation is required, this adds even more complexity to the solution. Usually provider like this put together an alliance offering, though more often than not, one outgrows the other and there is a parting of ways. Where does this leave the customer?
Some of the Key Employee On-boarding features include: Interview Scheduling for bulk recruitment, auto contract sign-off, document sign-off including Company Policies, On-Boarding Checklists, On-Boarding Surveys, Payroll Feeds, all driven by workflows which can be easily configured by laymen users, using a graphical workflow configuration tool.
Off-boarding of Employees is also key, exit interview and questionnaires, asset returning, employee exit checklists and so on. Triggering the workflow back to a third party on-boarding system us just far too complex and makes little sense from an efficiency perspective. This may leave you having to scout around for a new e-Recruitment and HR Onboard system, moving towards a new Frontier in Software, that can easily integrate with Cloud Payroll. HR is the Employment Hero of the people, leaving Xero room for messy, disjointed HR processes. The success factors of HR Software is based on the speed in which the HRIS Software system can be achieved.
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