Bankstown Council has chosen Subscribe-HR as their e-Recruitment Software provider. After a lengthy RFP processes, the Subscribe-HR e-Recruitment system was selected to deliver an recruitment process automation and Talent Management Cloud HR Software Service. The Subscribe-HR e-Recruitment Solution, integrates directly with leading Job Boards and well as Social Media, for Referral Reward crowd sourcing. The Subscribe-HR Jobs Board can be easily configured to look and feel like the corporate website of any business. It also comes, pre-loaded with an SEO friendly URL including the Organisations name.
Configurable Questionnaires can be set-up in order to align individual values with Corporate Vales which means, a better candidate match for positions. This ultimately results in better return on investment through lower turn-over.
Subscribe-HR processing capabilities allows for a bulk number of candidates to be processed quickly and professionally. Dynamic search tools are available to allow Recruitment users and Managers, to easily locate candidates based on key word searches. This combined with the automatic candidate scoring from the SHaRe module means that Bankstown Council will drastically reduce their costs, and increase their customer service to their constituents.
Subscribe-HR Talent Cubes enable the building of Talent Pools automatically, so that internal agency data can be harnessed, further reducing the recruitment spend and allow Bankstown Council to tap into an addition Passive Candidates.
The configuration and power of the system is second to none, and the on-boarding processes will allow the council to deliver signification cost savings and increase productivity to the HR Team and the council as a whole.
Bankstown Council has 800 Employees and is one of the largest councils of the 177 councils in NSW. The Bankstown City area is 76.82 square kilometres in size and home to approximately 180,000 people.