Revenue / Profit Per Employee Per Annum. An important metric in HR. You hear a lot about what businesses do for employees. How do they manage wellbeing? As a manager and business owner, one is trying to balance wellbeing and enjoyment with productivity and profit. In some respects, this notion of live your values and the rest will come is somewhat new age jargon. A little like point of attraction. Businesses are juggling political correctness and are trying to justify how good they make the lives of their employees. One things is for sure, whatever you do for your employees, you do regardless for what you get back (outside of salary). You put in place your management measures, KPI’s etc and you use these boundaries as robustly as possible. It’s interesting to hear about how the likes of google and Facebook reward and create outstanding work environment and their revenue / profit per employee is much higher than your average business. So, for those businesses that are managing tighter budgets that the top 10%, how do they create environments in which enjoyment and a sense of purpose are created. Yes, you do need to understand the values of a business, though you also need to understand the values of people also. Whatever you give your people over and above their wages and bonuses, you do so because your values suggest that you do this because this is the makeup of management, leadership and the life-blood of the business. The key is, how do you get the most out of your people in their 37, to 38 hour per week. How do you get them to work on their top priorities and get them to innovate so that the mundane and boring is automated and made more efficient? Probably by allowing them to make decisions, mentoring them, and providing real-time learning so that learning is not lost, and it can be created into IP, as well as a sense of belonging and purpose. Part of this management process is utilising technology to capture and collaborate easily. Also, using Task and project management systems to allow for insight into productivity. There are HR Software systems available that assist HR and Business Managers with capturing, automating and analysis this data and the processes mentioned. By working from the top down, in a cascading manner, metrics and be directly linked to mission, values, performance management, feedback, action plans, mentoring and succession. This process can clearly divide strategic and operational elements of the business strategy.
Before you can even start with the above, you need to get the back office in order. Simple automation in all areas of the business is important. Fortunately, as a result of rapid, cost effective innovation, there are many Cloud systems that can assist with this. Marketing Software like HubSpot, CRM Software Like, ERP / Finance Software Systems, like Netsuite or Dynamics, Payroll System Like XERO, Netsuite, MYOB, Oracle, SAP, Document Management systems like DropBox, and Box, and HR Software, e-Recruitment Software, Employee Onboarding Software and Performance Management Software like Workday Subscribe-HR. Some of these system will assist with the operational aspects and the strategic aspects of HR and thus their value to the business can be realised at many levels.
There is no doubt that a happy work environment is a more productive one. You need to be very clear about who is the right fit for the business and who is not. The realisation of who is not, needs to be seen quickly. Those people will need to be trained up or out based on your internal processes. Simple things like tagging Flight Risks in Performance Reviews, or on the other end, Toxic employees. Allowing the manager to have tools whereby they can identify and notify quickly. Pay people well, get the best out of the by giving them the skills and autonomy they need to thrive, create a nice aesthetically pleasing environment with plants and the rights colours to create good feelings. Find people that fit your mould and don’t compromise. Do it from the heart as a matter of corporate responsibility. But don’t’ waste. Measure and evolve. Experiment with the rest. The chances are you won’t get any more or any less if you throw money at the employee engagement in your business.
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