The one and the many, this is how HR Software can help HR Professionals automate processes. This crowd sourced philosophy works in a way that identifies how technology automation can add the most significant value to a task, department, person. Subscribe-HR focuses on these crowd-sourced friction points to enable maximised productivity as this, ultimately results in Return-on-investment. The HR market historically has been driven by the need for HR to deliver Finance based automation and productivity. This has caught HR in the cross-hairs of a paradox. Get the best out of your people, though supporting functions that do not relate to HR. In-fact, we would argue that HR sits closer to Marketing than too finance. This is a discussion for another day.
In human resources, there are specific points of contact that HR has with Employees. Much like Sales and Prospects. HR is a really fabulous area of the creative Technology companies to express their creativity through empowering, by people to save time.
These crowdsourced friction points relate to, one-to-many relationships. Sticking point which usually involve many people, thus creating workload. These friction points can create large amounts of administration for someone. In this case, HR Professionals or line-managers.
Starting at the Talent Sourcing stage, there are many, many areas which create friction points. For example: communicating with applicants in a professional timely manner, or organising interview times for Applicants who are at the interview phase of the recruitment process. By automating these processes, HR professionals can clearly justify the use of technology from an e-Recruitment Software, Return-on-Investment perspective. Some of the most significant points in the Talent Sourcing process can be seen at the stage where successful Applicants become Employees. Contract Sign-off and Tax Related Compliance. This crowdsourcing frication point can be automated through auto sign-off on contracts and auto-completing Tax forms e.g. Tax Declaration. Once again, demonstrating a clear Return-on-investment.
When an employee first starts, there are some clear Crowdsourcing areas like: On-boarding information that can be automatically supplied by the Employee, directly into the system. This can be automated using HR Technology by setting up Questionnaires that feed information directly into the HR Software System. Once again, demonstrating a clearly defines Return-on-Investment.
HR Software and e-Recruitment software is breaking new ground in the area of Friction Point automation for HR Manager and Directors. This philosophy is going to disrupt further, the HR landscape. The automation of basic processes is clearly the way of the future. The pressure is then going to be placed on Employees to demonstrate value. This value is going to flip from people job hopping to people demonstrating loyalty. Those who Job-hop, with place themselves at risk. LinkedIn has clearly put downward pressure on Companies to hold on-to people. Their recruiter is a passive candidate sourcing tool which allows people with sought after skills to, at will, change jobs. This is a one-to-many example, which has a tipping-point. Clearly, companies are under pressure to own their own data, and use this date effectively to create competitive advantage. Part of the value of a company should display, the desire to employ people who show loyalty to them, based on how the companies engage them. Demonstration of this should be realised, not through high salaries, but by creating a family based culture that promotes aligning the companies values to those of the employees. To be able to do this, HR needs more time and thus crowdsourcing in HR is key. Leading e-Recruitment Software and HR Software providers need to demonstrate how they can do this for Businesses, no matter what size they are. Plug and play eco systems are the way of the future.