Utilising HR Software and e-Recruitment software has never been easier. With the development of Software as a Service, the barriers to entry have been greatly reduced. Now, with it being easier to get access to HR Business systems tools. Some examples of where obvious areas in relation to where e-Recruitment Software and e-HR software can be used to benefit are:
- Talent Pools: Being able to keep previous applicant information for future reference so that when a new position comes up, you can match previous applicants profiles with attributes required for that job. It’s like a dating services but instead of matching people to people, it matches people to jobs.
- Applicant Processing: How frustrating is it for Applicants, when they don’t hear about how they have gone when applying for a position. It looks bad on the business. It appears that there is no care. It’s amazing how positive the experience can be when a simple notification is sent to an applicant saying : “Thanks for your Application, unfortunately, at this stage, you have been unsuccessful with you application”. Or, “Thanks for your Application, you have been successful in progressing to the next stage of the recruitment process”.
- Employment contract auto-signoff: When you are made an offer of employment, the process of accepting the offer can be done Automatically via and electronic process.
- On-boarding: How frustrating for managers and employees, when the person start on their first day, only for things not to be ready for them. Logins, e-mail addresses etc.
- Self-Service: Instant access so employees can be sufficient from the start of their employment. They feel empowered and valued. Submit Employment Declaration forms. Receive welcome message from the CEO. Address personal details.
- Submitting Forms: Applying for leave of submitting your expense forms is made simple and straight forward.
There are many other ways, HR processes can be automated, by utilising HRIS Software. These examples represent the tip of the iceberg.
There are also ways in which the performance management process is evolving and the latest in HR Software is encompassing this.