Values, Culture, Performance
The increased need for change management automation requires focus from HR Software and e-Recruitment software providers. The challenge for HR managers to get a system implemented is too great, considering the amount of time they have spare. So its up to the Software providers to either deliver wizards or provide complimentary set-up services, that take the burden away from HR Managers. HR managers hold the responsibility to understand the needs of the business and convey these needs to the software providers in a timely fashion. Too frequently, these needs are held back, with the aim of saving money on set-up. This is the result of not getting the correct support for their CEO. CEO’s need to provide the funding and understanding to their HR Managers so that there is not so much pressure on them to do the impossible.
The correct scoping exercise from HR Managers is the key to getting all stakeholders onto the same page. Immediate needs and future needs, need to be communicated to stakeholders, so that there is not as much pressure on the initial implementation. If HR oversells and under delivers, this can cause far too much friction for them. It appears that the more senior the HR professional, the more experience they have, the better they are at getting the right technology outcomes. Stick to the lowest hanging fruit. Make this the success story, and then layer the other parts of the complexity on this.
Get your data stored centrally. This alone, if communicated well to the Executive, will bring significant benefits to the business. For example, Reporting will be more efficient and therefore real-time decision making will be possible. Automate your reminders. For example, reminders based on risk management areas, like training expiry, probations will be able to deliver a tangible cost benefit to the business. Work out what that is and communicate this in your business case. How much time are you going to save simply by being able to communicate with applicants automatically when they apply for a vacancy. What is the positive impact on the brand. Quantify this. Each of the elements will make you implementation smoother. It is a mistake to get into a situation where everything is of high need. This is not true. There is 20% of things taking up 80% of your time. Document these. Put time taken, $ savings numbers against these and don’t forget to include in the cost benefit summary, what this will mean for you as a HR Professionals from a Strategy perspective and what the bottom line impact will be. What price do you put on a HR Manager, who, through automating 40% of their process and tasks, can now create a wellness based program that allows 90% of their people to thrive at work, taking this wellness home to their families, or their private lives. There was a recent discussion in the media where Jeff Kennett speaks about linking CEO pay to the mental health of their staff. Well, indeed this is where the story starts and ends. CEO’s must provide their HR Leaders, with the support to make sustainable change.
Click the below link for info relating to Jeff Kennetts thoughts.
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