Subscribe-HR has developed a cutting edge People Management Software and Talent Management Software Solution. The older stye of HR Software, e-Recruitment Software and HRIS Software systems have been proceeded by all encompassing, end-to-end cloud software that allow managers and employees to be directly involved with HR processes. The latest in Cloud HR Software drives engagement and encompsses general business productivity by connecting people in a business.
Here is some specific detail about the Subscribe-HR, Pi, Talent Management and Performance Management Solution which merges traditional and the latest in real-time feedback. Allow enterprises to choose how they deploy their engagement and feedback processes.
Subscribe-HR has developed a new solution that enables you to manage performance, improve culture and automate your HR related operations. This will be offered as a separate stand alone solutions with the following additional Apps and solutions included:
Some basic features will be retained in the existing HR solution
– You will be able to keep basic records of completed reviews for employees and attach files
The Pi (π) Talent Management solution has been spcifically designed to facilitate both operational and strategic excellence (a top down AND bottom up approach)
• Between these two business needs sits the necessity for businesses to control costs and be value driven in dollar terms
• The Pi (π) Talent Management solution facilitates this approach to business by providing functionality across the following three levels: TOP: Strategy: MIDDLE: Value Cost Control BOTTOM: Operational
Focus on Behaviour:
Based on behaviour modification principles:
– Behavior modification applies behavior-change procedures to observable behaviours
– Built on regular and consistent feed back
– One on one coaching to reinforce the right behaviours
– Improving behaviours leads to improved performance
Building the form and Defining the Process:
Communicate Strategic Objectives
• Define focus for the next 12 months:
– Growth
– Cost control
– Quality
• Build the form or select a template - preloaded or own design
– Include items 1 and 2 in the form.
• Define the settings
• Review and test
• Assign to Jobs
• Set up workflows to launch ‘Feedback’ process
• Conduct on Appraisals - agree Action Plans
• Finish and report
• Define achievements
Hope you enjoyed the snapshot of the developments that have been made within the Subscribe-HR Talent Management and People Management Software system.
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