Performance Management Software Checklist
HR Software Automation for People Managers
Performance Management is about creating a feedback loop that enables your business to include Employee performance and Employee feedback into a process that allows the business to maintain productivity, profitability and facilitates Human Contact on a day-to-day basis. The only way in which HR Professionals and Managers can have enough time to do this is to use technology to automate Performance Management processes. Technology should not replace human interaction, it should facilitate an increase in this by allowing the business to understand the individuals values and link them to the business. How much time does your HR Technology save you so you can focus on Employee Engagement / Strategy.
Checklist for your Performance Management Software.
Communicate Messages to the business based on Mission and Culture.
Communicate Strategic Announcements to the business and link Performance Reviews and Job Descriptions.
Capture Microlearning, also known as Actions Plans.
Capture Real-time Feedback
Deploy Performance Reviews Quickly based on Skills, Goals, Values and Behaviours. Link workflows and ordering for participants. Create parameters around when the review is to be deployed. Performance Management Should Include Interest of Employee in-order to gauge Employee Values for Linking to Business Values.
Bring Actions Plans and Feedback Through into the Performance Review.
In Creation of Action Plans, Perform Search for Mentor and or Knowledge base Information.
When an Action Plan is in progress, Capture IP in Knowledge base
On Completion on Action Plans, Create Mentor, Skills, Training Records, successors or provide Feedback.
On Completion of Action Plans or at the end of Performance Review, Create Rewards.
Display Progress of all progress relating to Review and Action Plans in Dashboard for relevant people to see.
Allow Training Requests to be performed during the Performance Review.
Allow Employees to Vote for Employee of the month. Insert the awards into the Performance Review. Link the submissions to Values.
Dashboard Views of Information based on User Interaction.
View of all Reviews and Progress.
Repeat the process.
It's really important to have Performance Management Software that allows you to iterate the process quickly so if after your analysis it becomes aparent that you need to change tact on your Performance Review content or regularity.
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