In 2019, finding the right performance management methodology is an important part of creating a profitable and sustainable environment. There is no one size fits all, cookie-cutter approach to this. People Management software, covers a lot of different aspects of the employee life-cycle. From e-Recruitment, through to offboarding and general workforce management.
Performance Management and Performance Appraisals allow a business to align business / KPI based expectations with Employee input and expectations. Its important to acknowledge here the elements that make up the overall culture of the business and how these will roll down to everyday employee focus.
Traditionally, employee performance reviews were backward facing, allow employees and manager generally to sit down and record what had happened over the past period. Generally, this was done using paper, and we very difficult to administer and manager. Even harder to report on and change. A persons good or poor performance could go unrecognised for a long period of time, which ultimately would have a negative impact on the business.
Now with HR Technology and best of breed performance management software and performance appraisal software in available, back facing review processes can be used to good effect. Reason being that the smart of the appraisal software can quickly engage the right people at the right time, collecting information and allowing managers and HR professionals to have key insight into performance information, quickly, at the right time.
Now, a combination of forward facing and backward facing performance engagement is the most desirable performance management cycle, because it allow for mirco engagement which can expedite the learning process, tapping into the business / people / IP in real time to arrive at good outcomes. It also allows for corrective behaviour to be put in place sooner rather than later during the first 3 – 6 months of an employees tenure, and identify people based on a range of overall performance. Back facing processes still play an important part of a review process, because they allow for time out and reflection. Whether this be every 3-4 months, 5-6 months or 12 months, the regular catch-up will make these traditional catch-ups more effective and productive, because more regular/fresher information can be used, which will mean the review is more accurate.
The content of catch-ups and reviews is important because it allow for quantifiable data to be used in rewards and recognition. For example, during the regular catch-up, it is unlikely that there will be any scoring performed. Catch-ups or check-ins will be short and based on in the moment issues, feedback. The actual performance review can be used to score against skills, goals, values, behaviours for example, so that the business knows what rewards and recognition is contained in the overall process. Without scoring, the impact of the review process is greatly affected, because of the inability to quickly analyse data to make decisions.