e-Recruitment Software that pushes the boundaries is hard to find. Most systems are not capable of delivering dynamic functionality, offering little more than web forms to capture data with the additional capacity of e-mails for communication. They look ok, though their inability to scale is a major issue. They are cheap and usually have a shelf life of about 2 years. Problem is that efficiency is not in a lot of people’s interest. In fact, it could be said that inefficiency keeps a Job safe.
This is an interesting conundrum. There is a famous saying that problems related to software usually exist between the keyboard and the chair. Change management is a time consuming process which takes patience and well copywritten documentation. The HR Software systems that will prosper are those that automate change management processes and build in smartapps so that the requirement for training and change management is greatly reduced.
This is a challenging exercise for a Software provider. For a lot of revenue is made by them through making things complex. For every piece of code, there is an overhead. Reducing this overhead is the challenge. There are few that are good at this.
HRIS Software providers that have waited too long to start to change their business model will be challenged to evolve by the market. People who do not try to adopt technology and make it work for efficiency gains, will probably be out of work. CEO’s that don’t understand the delicate balance between human connection and automation will be putting out of a lot of fires. The wrong type of fires.
The commoditisation of the e-Recruitment market presents some very interesting challenges for e-Recruitment Software Systems providers. Do they remain stagnant and not challenge people to improve their work practises or do they risk long term churn and extinction by allowing outdated practices that will keep the masses happy.
Some software has even started to be given away. Zenefits for example. Freemium models, that have complex back room partner relationships and commission paybacks are akin to an iceberg. It's not what's free at the top that you need to be aware of… what's underneath...? These systems usually lack scalability and once again, churn in high volumes, but lock in companies with complex licence agreements. Smaller businesses may benefit from these systems but quickly outgrow them once moving to 50+ Employees.
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