Seek And Subscribe-HR
HR Software and Jobs Boards Working Together
Subscribe-HR is fully integrated with Seek, allowing your organisation to automatically post jobs to Seek, as well as allowing applicants to seamlessly apply for jobs via Seek, through Subscribe-HR. Connecting Subscribe-HR's e-Recruitment Software solution with Seek puts your organisation front and centre. Subscribe-HR utilises Apply with Seek to prefil applicant information in Subscribe-HR and Link automatically back to Subscribe-HR's Job Board.
Your HR solution will integrate seamlessly with your jobs board accounts using plug and play functionality
Integration capabilities mean you're in control of what business solutions you include in your ecosystem
Improve time to hire and cost of hire
Integrations increase efficiency by improving data accuracy and compliance
Save time and money by reducing double handling
Seamless application process apply with Seek
Liberate your employees from manual processes and improve morale
Break down silos by enabling cross-functional reporting and data sharing
Applicants get seen quickly