Don’t Forget HR and Employee Well Being.

Posted by Mathew French

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11 August 2010

Was inspired by Heather Albrecht during a Digital Marketing Workshop, where we were asked the question: “Why”. “Why Subscribe-HR”. What makes you different. I am a very strong believer in work-life balance. For 7 years, I sold Software systems to HR and Recruitment professionals. These systems did not really add the type of value that allowed busy HR professionals to create more time for things they enjoy and also allowed employees to express their opinions and feeling about the business they spend 38 hours per week working for.

Subscribe-HR was designed and built for these reasons. A lifestyle change for HR and Recruitment Managers. Simplicity. Easy. Cost Effectiveness. More time for the Kids, Yoga, Shopping. What ever tickles your fancy. We are now working on a real time employee mood monitor that will provide real-time feedback to HR based on feeling, emotions and thoughts of your workforce. To enable HR to tackle motivation and well being issues of workforces. HR needs to take more responsibility for this. This sentiment flows into providing training for employees, not only based on adding to the bottom line, but also about providing people with the skills to live a balanced life. That is the challenge. Life is becoming busier and more complicated because we have some much now at our finger tips. What about the traditional values? Let’s get back to basics.

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Topics: Digital HR Software, Digital Recruitment Software, Employee Well Being

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