Over the past few years it has been really interesting to watch the trends that have occured in the areas of HR Software, Recruitment Software, Payroll Software pre and post the Global Financial crisis. The global financial crisis has really focused peoples attention in the areas of Core Business and Non Core Business.
Pre 2006, there was a mad rush for businesses to buy On-Premise HRIS/Payroll Systems. There were crazy amounts of money spent on in-house systems that were, you could say “Very Well Sold”. There was not really that much experience is place when it came to Software Purchases and Implementations because most businesses in the mid market were purchasing a System for the first time. Many businesses had less than ideal experiences as a result and now there is caution relating to new system purchases.
These are the same characterisitics that shapped the CRM space, in which Salesforce.com capitalised on. They had the vision of simplification using innovation and value for money as the key drivers to their success. Now it is becoming a main-stream occurance for businesses to outsource their Software programs to Specialist providers. This is called Software-as-a-Service and is based on business paying by the month for the use of a best of breed System, like a CRM System, HR Software system, Recruitment Software system and so forth.
Everything delivered in these on-line systems, is a service… from reporting, to integration, to workflow… Choose what you want and pay as you go. It is said to just make sense. No Software Installation complexities, no network configuration requirements, no burden on internal IT (Whom should be delivering core business projects) No Capex. All these areas point towards providing businesses with more time, money and resource to focus on why they started in the first place.
The GFC was a painful, testing experience for a lot of businesses. From every painful experience comes learning, growth and opportunity. As a result of the GFC, businesses and now looking for Value for Money. They are looking at ways in which they can maximise productivity and minimise cost and the internet is seen as the vehicle to do this.
Social media has really come into it’s own in the mast 24 months. People have had less money to spend, they have had less disposable income and this has meant that they have look to other areas for entertainment and to be able to communicate. 1st it was facebook and now this has flowed onto Linkedin in the corporate arena. All Really driven 10 Years ago by Google. Who knows, if we had not had the GFC, we may now be seeing Facebook with 600,000,000 users. Social Media is here to stay. And now the Job at hand is to understand it, to use it for positive purposes and to make it work to your advantage.
Social Media is allowing HR Professionals to communication with an audience in a way that was not previously possible. It has really drastically defined exactly why HR should stand on its own in a business and be accountable for providing bottom line value. It is an amazing opportunity. They need not be bogged down in too much transaction. They need to break the shackles of Payroll and Accruals and Allowance and Calculations. Finance Departments also need to unhinge themselves from payroll complexities and expensive old fashioned Payroll Systems.
Payroll outsourcing could have stepped into the breeches long ago. Though most outsourced providers have suffered from Technology issues. Their payroll engines don’t really allow their customers to benefits from flexible, powerful and intuitive tools to be able to see and do what they need effectively whilst relying on the Payroll expertise of the provider. This is why there has been the reluctance to move away from the cost of Running payroll internally.
Now that there is technology available to facilitate a powerful, useful payroll outsourcing service, it is going to be the next logical progression of business evolution, that business leaders seriously look at payroll outsourcing as thier first option, followed by other alternatives.
We look forward to leading the way in this respect and offering the best of both worlds.
We will be the first provider in Australia to offer this type of solution and we envisage some outstanding success. Ultimately, our vision is driven by simplicity, and delivering balance to people, whether they be CEO’s Line Managers, HR Managers or Employees.