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No More Linking Back in e-Recruitment Software Jobs Board

Posted by Mathew French on 17 July 2013 has changed their policy on linking back to third party e-recruitment systems. They now have an ad-on that allows users to set-up screening questions in the platform. The screening questions don’t really do the Job that a best-of-breed e-recruitment software system would do. It looks to be about generating more revenue for (Really!). As you need to pay additional money to use the screening questions. Our customers are not too happy about this unilateral decision. It has not taken their corporate needs into consideration and has made their recruiting solutions cumbersome and clunky. It seems that there is an opportunity for other players to use this to their advantage.

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Topics: Seek,, HRIS, e-Recruitment Software, HRIS Software, E-Recruitment

HR and Recruitment Managers Struggling, Stressed and Over Worked.

Posted by Mathew French on 11 May 2010

If you a HR Manager that is struggling with and are burdened with endless amounts of administration, you are not alone. We speak with people managers every day that are trying the make the best of paper based systems or are trying to drive HR through a Payroll system. Like it or not, Recruitment and HR processes and practices are very very different from paying people and delivering payslips. I don’t mean to over simplify payroll, a good payroll system or process is extremely important but it has it place. All to often are payroll solutions bent and folder in ways they aren’t designed for. Australia has a plethora of Payroll Providers: MicrOpay, Neller, Aurion, Empower.

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Topics: Payroll, Neller, Seek, MyCareer, HR SaaS, MicrOpay, Recruitment Software, Aurion, hr software

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