HR Blog - HR Best Practice, Thought Leadership and HR Technology Updates

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How Are You Managing WHS Incidents?

Posted by Mathew French on 16 December 2021

According to Safe Work Australia, there were 114,435 serious claims made in 2018-19 at a median cost of $11,700. No one wants employees to get injured, but if you consider those figures, and then factor in the legal ramifications if you don't have accurate record keeping and audit trails when accidents happen, the impact on your organisation becomes exponential. In this week's HR Blog we look at the important of managing WHS incidents well, and the risks of getting it wrong.

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Topics: hr software, HR risk, Managing compliance risk, Codeless cloud HR software, Video snapshots, Discovery sessions, HR Software interface, WHS Incident Management

How Are You Managing HR Questions?

Posted by Mathew French on 2 December 2021

People & Culture Managers get lots of questions from Employees about many different work related issues, often via multiple channels. Between email, social media, the intranet, slack, the list (and workload) can feel endless. With questions coming from so many different sources, it can be hard to keep track of who asked what, who is best placed to respond, and whether accurate responses were provided in an appropriate timeframe. Not to mention all the FAQs that you probably wish you could put on a visual noticeboard somewhere so that employees can search for responses without your input. If you're a People & Culture Manager and you wish you could find a quick and easy way to manage questions in your organisation, we've got something for you.

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Topics: hr software, HR risk, Managing compliance risk, Codeless cloud HR software, Video snapshots, Discovery sessions, HR Software interface, HR Questions Management, FAQs

How Configurable Are Your HR Dashboards?

Posted by Mathew French on 26 November 2021

When designed well, HR dashboards give you a clear, fast, accurate picture of how your business is performing on your KPIs and other HR metrics. Your HR dashboard should enable People & Culture Managers (as well as all employees) to access, assess and manage everything quickly and easily, with minimal clicks and maximum clarity. Good HR Dashboards are configurable, so that you can customise them to meet your needs and organise data in a way that suits you (not the there way around). If you need better HR Dashboards (or if you don't have one yet), then this week's HR Blog explores the difference a good HR Dashboard (or two) can make. 

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Topics: hr software, HR risk, HR dashboards, Managing compliance risk, Codeless cloud HR software, Video snapshots, Discovery sessions, HR Software interface

How Are You Managing Compliance and Risk?

Posted by Mathew French on 18 November 2021

How easy is it to manage compliance in your organisation? Even if your organisation walks the compliance talk, if it doesn't have the right system in place to identify, manage and mitigate risks it can suffer serious organisational damage, regardless of how compliant it may be. In this week's HR Blog we explore the essential HR art of compliance management.

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Topics: hr software, HR risk, Managing compliance risk, Codeless cloud HR software, Video snapshots, Discovery sessions, HR Software interface, Compliance Management, Education & Qualifications, Certificates & Licences, Background Checks

Managing HR & IR Compliance Risks

Posted by Mathew French on 10 March 2020

Bullying, harassment, discrimination and injury all pose a significant risk to your organisation. And yet, you might be surprised to hear that many businesses don't have adequate HR and IR compliance training in place for their employees. Compliance training helps employees understand their rights and responsibilities as well as explaining relevant laws and regulations. Under the Australian regulatory framework, employers have a legal obligation to take all ‘reasonably practicable’ steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees. Tailored HR and IR compliance training is the most practical and effective way for your business to meet such obligations. In this week's HR Blog, we explore the importance of keeping compliance training up to date for your employees by following HR best practice..

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Topics: HR compliance, hr software, Cloud HR Software, HR and IR compliance training, Compliance training, Managing compliance risk, #hrtech

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