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Optimising The Future of Work: The Human-Automation Collaboration

Posted by Mathew French on 10 September 2019

Apparently you can’t solve the ‘how to automate work’ problem by thinking solely about automation replacing jobs. This is the premise behind Reinventing Jobs: A 4-Step Approach for Applying Automation to Work by Ravin Jesuthasan, Managing Director at Willis Towers Watson, and John Boudreau, professor and Research Director at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business and Center for Effective Organisations. Based on their decades of experience helping companies transform approaches to work and leadership, Reinventing Jobs offers a new set of tools for applying automation and artificial intelligence in today’s organisations. In this Blog we will examine the 4-Step framework for applying automation to work outlined by Jesuthasan and Boudreau, who believe that 'simply asking which humans will be replaced by automation fails to take into account how work and automation will evolve.' Now let's continue our exploration of this series on whether to automate or not to automate tasks and processes across the employee lifecycle.

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Topics: performance management, Performance Management Software, Employee Onboarding Software, The future of work, Human automation collaboration, Reinventing jobs, Applying automation to work, John Boudreau, Ravin Jesuthasan, Employee onboarding

To Automate, Or Not To Automate, For HR, That Is The Question

Posted by Mathew French on 27 August 2019

The technological revolution has brought with it both hope and fear, excitement and trepidation. The jury is still out on whether the advances that technology enables will be overwhelmingly positive or negative. The reality is that it we humans need to take responsibility for making well informed, intelligent decisions about how we use and apply technology in our lives to ensure that the results are positive. Nowhere is that more relevant than in the workplace. Over the next few weeks, we will be doing a deep dive into HR automation to unpack the latest research, best practice and trends about how to apply HR automation to the employee lifecycle. This blog series will highlight what every leader and HR professional needs to be aware of in order to make those fully informed decisions about HR automation so as to ensure that the effects those decisions have on employees and the workforce generally, create positive results for all parties. Not to mention for the future of HR and the future of work.

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Topics: performance management, hr software, the future of hr, HR automation, Performance Management Software, The future of leadership, Employee Onboarding Software, Cloud HR Software, The future of work, Employee onboarding, #hrtech

Reinventing Organisations: the Transition to Industry 4.0

Posted by Mathew French on 30 July 2019

We're all conscious of the fact that working in a shifting market landscape with constant disruption, all the while leveraging automation to optimise production, is an ongoing challenge. According to Deloitte's research about the age of 'Industry 4.0,' many leaders view the transition required by digital transformation as complex and challenging. However necessary digital industrial transformation may be on an organisation’s path to becoming fully connected, the journey if often hindered by speed bumps. Deloitte’s Industry 4.0 Readiness Report found that only 14 percent of the 1,600 C-level executives surveyed are confident that their organisations are ready to fully harness the changes associated with Industry 4.0. As organisations are called on to transform along with the market and society itself, what types of business models will serve the organisations of the future? In this week's HR Blog we explore the future of work through the lens of Industry 4.0 and the emergence of the 'Teal' organisation model as a possible framework for navigating business transformation with success.

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Topics: performance management, Performance Management Software, Employee Onboarding Software, Organisational culture change, Reinventing organisations, Teal organisational model, Industry 4.0, Frederic Laloux, Employee onboarding

Automating Employee Lifecycle Management: Six Steps to Success

Posted by Mathew French on 2 July 2019

The Employee Lifecycle (ELC) is your roadmap to building an engaged employee experience. Cloud HR software is how you digitally transform your employee lifecycle to reduce friction and deliver powerful results to potential, current (and maybe even past) employees that is simple, automated and engaging. In this week's HR Blog we explore how to make your employee lifecycle sing...

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Topics: performance management, e-Recruitment Software, E-Recruitment, Recruitment, Performance Management Software, Employee Retention, Employee Onboarding Software, employee life-cycle, Onboarding

Your HR Digital Transformation Starts Here

Posted by Mathew French on 29 January 2019

In an environment where it is virtually impossible to get consensus on anything, I think it is fair to say that people on all sides of the equation can unite on this: no one likes to fill in or process forms. Not only that, another truism that you could add to the certainty of death and taxes is the fact that there is no getting around the high number of forms new employees have to complete when they commence employment. From employment requisition and authorisation to hire, through to requirements like tax and super declarations, Onboarding new employees requires A LOT of forms. If you're still using paper to record and process this type of information, then you're still victim to manual double (or more) handling. This is an extremely inefficient way to operate in today's business environment, not to mention an expensive one. If you're ready for change, but you're not quite sure where to begin your digital transformation, digitising your forms is an easy place to start. It also gives you big wins, quickly, with minimal impact on your budget.

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Topics: Employee Onboarding Software, Digital transformation, Digital transformation of HR

The Not For Profit People Conference

Posted by Mathew French on 6 November 2018

Every year, EthicalJobs hosts the Not For Profit People Conference in its home town of Melbourne; the biggest event of its kind in Australia. The conference provides an opportunity for NFPs, social enterprise and local councils to explore best practice in attracting, managing, training and retaining people in these sectors. The EthicalJobs platform was created almost ten years ago to promote businesses and jobs that contribute to a more equitable, more just or more sustainable world. With the rise of public awareness about the ethics (or lack thereof) in certain market segments, a shift to more purpose and values driven economic choices is underway. Every year, more businesses are transitioning to (or being started with) the mission of creating a more equitable, just and sustainable future. We've witnessed an increase in these types of businesses here at Subscribe-HR. In fact, an increasing proportion of our customers operate in the NFP, social enterprise or local council segments, and we recognise the importance of supporting these businesses. That's why we've signed on to support the Not For Profit People Conference this year.

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Topics: Employee Onboarding Software, Digital transformation, Not-for-profit, NFP, Social enterprise, Local councils, Not for profit people

Storytelling And Onboarding: The Recipe For A Happy Marriage

Posted by Mathew French on 31 May 2018

If you've heard any of the news about the Financial Services Royal Commission, it is pretty clear that these businesses don't do a very good job of conveying and embedding mission-critical concepts (like ethical behaviour) into their organisation. Communicating the values of your business, and illustrating the culture of your organisation to both potential and actual employees is one thing. Ensuring that those values aren't just paid lip service, but become lived experiences at ALL levels within your organisation, is definitely business-critical in today's marketplace. If the interrogations and admissions of the Royal Commission are anything to go by, it is clear that there is such a wide gap between words and actions in business that something needs to be done. But what? Our last couple of Blog posts have focused on the importance of getting Onboarding right, and the untapped benefits of storytelling for hr. In this Blog, we will explore how you can use the power of story as part of your Onboarding process to set the right tone for the expectations your business has about 'how we do things around here.'

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Topics: Human Resource Software, Human Resources Managers, Human Resources Professionals, Top 100 HR Blogs, Employee Onboarding Software, Onboarding, Storytelling, HR blog, human resource blog

Research Based Evidence For Best Practice Employee Onboarding

Posted by Mathew French on 10 May 2018

One of the great things about providing a service for so many organisations (and the employees of those organisations) is that we get to hear first-hand feedback about what HR Professionals and the teams they serve want and need to make work better. What has become abundantly clear, and increasingly critical in the world of work, is the importance of the onboarding process in setting up new or transferring employees to understand, enjoy and succeed in their new role. We recently proposed that 'how you do onboarding is how you do everything,' and that got us thinking... What would be the best way for us to walk our talk, to put our money where our mouth is and to really make a difference in the world of work? The answer is that we have created a fantastic new Employee Onboarding Software Solution and made it FREE (for a limited time). That means that it is easier than ever for HR Professionals and the organisations they serve to harness the power of Digital HR to transform onboarding from good to great. If you're still not convinced that the onboarding process is probably THE most important aspect of the employee lifecycle, let's dive a little deeper.

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Topics: Employee Onboarding Software, Onboarding, hr onboarding software, New Employee Onboarding

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