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10 Performance Management Strategies for HR Success

Posted by Mathew French on 17 September 2023

Traditional performance management is dead. Gone are the days of 👇

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Topics: performance management, Performance Management Software

Dive into HR Technology and Swim

Posted by Mathew French on 31 January 2023

There are many HR Technologies on the market which can make it more complicated and confusing when trying the select the right HR Technology. Across the silos of HR and Employee Lifecycle management exist specific Core HR functions which are both operational and strategic. The top layer of the Employee Lifecycle is made up of Recruitment, Onboarding, Crossboarding, Offboarding, Timesheets, Rostering and Awards, Payroll, Self-Service and Core-HR. These areas could be said to be fundamental to the operation of a business and there are significant benefits from automating all of these aspects of operations so that more time can be spent on strategic initiatives or simply having less stress at work. Background Checking is also an important part of this spine. Being able to run checks as Applicants are moved through the Recruitment process is important, as is rechecking employees as checks expire.

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Topics: Rosters, HRIS/Payroll, HRIS and Payroll, HR Software Implementation, HRIS, HRIS Software, Successful HR Software Implementation, Learning & Development, Performance Management Software, Performance Feedback, Performance Feedback Software, Top 100 HR Blogs, Employee Survey Software, HR blog, Onboarding automation, Performance appraisal, #hrtech, employee onbording software, e-Learning

What's Your HR Technology Strategy?

Posted by Mathew French on 3 November 2020

It's no secret that your #HRtech will do more for you if you've got a strategy in place to ensure your business can take full advantage of it. A good strategy, coupled with the right HR software, can result in an average 15% benefit to your bottom line. So why is it that so many organisations got caught out this year without one (or both) of these necessities in place? In this week's HR Blog we explore the importance of HR technology strategy and give you a framework for getting yours in place.

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Topics: ATS, Payroll Integration, Payroll Outsourcing, HR technology, hr software, Performance Management Software, Top 100 HR Blogs, Employee Onboarding Software, Employee Survey Software, Cloud HR Software, HR blog, #HRtec, Low to no code HR software, HR technology strategy, Gartner, e-Learning

Better Decision Making With HR Dashboards and Data Visualisation

Posted by Mathew French on 14 April 2020

HR Dashboards are an indispensable tool for HR professionals. They provide critical data visualisation for relevant metrics across the entire employee lifecycle, including hiring, retention, onboarding, performance, and more. Today's #HRTech makes it possible to purchase dashboard apps to integrate with your other business systems. Or if you have developers within your organisation you can build your own dashboards using excel or by developing your own system. But really, what you want is an HR system with customisable Dashboards built in to your HR software itself. In this HR Blog we look at the benefit of using dashboards to get a real-time overview of your data so that you can gain valuable business intelligence to run an agile and successful organisation using HR automation.

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Topics: HR Metrics, HR technology, hr software, Performance Management Software, Cloud HR Software, HR blog, HR dashboards, Data visualisation, #hrtech

Productive HR Reporting: Essential Metrics For Your HR Dashboard

Posted by Mathew French on 14 April 2020

Productive HR reporting is critical to the ongoing success of every business. Developing an HR Dashboard that visualises your HR data in a way that tells the story of your business to the right people in the right way, is your pathway to growth and success. However, it is incredibly difficult for anyone in a business to make informed decisions when HR business partners and other stakeholders lack insight into their own operations and employees. To ensure that leadership and management have the information they need to make informed decisions, HR Professionals need to provide HR data in a way that informs, engages, inspires and persuades. In this week's HR Blog, we explore how to build the right Dashboards for productive reporting on your HR Metrics.

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Topics: HR Data, HR Metrics, HR Reporting, hr software, Performance Management Software, Data Analytics, Cloud HR Software, HR dashboards, #hrtech

The 2020 Not For Profit People Conference

Posted by Mathew French on 11 February 2020

Every year, EthicalJobs hosts the Not For Profit People Conference in its home town of Melbourne; the biggest event of its kind in Australia. The conference provides an opportunity for NFPs, social enterprise and local councils to explore best practice in attracting, managing, training and retaining great employees. Now, more than ever, the mission of creating a more equitable, just and sustainable future is a critical success factor, not just for businesses, but for all of us. We've witnessed an increase in these types of businesses here at Subscribe-HR. In fact, an increasing proportion of our customers operate in the NFP, social enterprise or local council segments, and we recognise the importance of supporting these businesses. That's why we've signed on to support the Not For Profit People Conference again this year.

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Topics: Performance Management Software, Employee Onboarding Software, Digital transformation, Not-for-profit, NFP, Social enterprise, Local councils, Not for profit people, Not For Profit People Conference

Essential Strategies For Implementing Consistent, Regular Performance Feedback

Posted by Mathew French on 17 December 2019

As we've already discussed in the previous Blogs in this performance management series, transforming the performance management culture in any organisation can be a challenging undertaking. Especially if your performance management, appraisal and development systems do not support the overall business strategy of the business. You need to implement strategies and leverage HR technology to create business growth based on what your business wants to be, how it wants to be known and how work gets done. Brandon Hall Group's 2018 Research Report 'Effective Performance Management' outlines 5 essential strategies for transforming your culture through the integration of a regular and consistent performance management process, an ongoing development framework coupled with the power of Performance Management technology to facilitate these processes. In reviewing and analysing the research data gathered to produce the report, five key strategies emerged as the essential ingredients every organisation needs to develop and evolve a performance management framework that generates long-term business growth.

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Topics: performance management, Performance Management Software, Coaching for Performance, Managing performance, Performance development, Continuous performance management

From Performance Management to Performance Development

Posted by Mathew French on 3 December 2019

Most companies do not require managers to provide regular, ongoing performance coaching or feedback for their direct reports as part of their own objectives, goals or performance assessment. Instead, managers’ operational responsibilities (including budgeting, strategic planning and administrative requirements), make it difficult to prioritise human to human contact with the employees they manage. To succeed in today's business environment however, one of the few things you can be sure of is that THIS MUST CHANGE if organisations want to survive (let alone grow). If leaders want to begin re-engineering their performance management frameworks, managers must be given the resources, systems (that is Performance Management Software) and training they need to meet the new requirements for employee development and improved performance. Let's continue our exploration of why performance management still matters.

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Topics: performance management, Performance Management Software, Coaching for Performance, Managing performance, Performance development, Continuous performance management

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