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Next Generation HR and Business Modelling Underpinned by HRIS Software

Posted by Mathew French on 20 April 2016

Managing a business is challenging. Cost control, Human Resources, Marketing, Risk Management - there are many balls in the air. With so much focus now on cost management, it’s no wonder that there is so much pressure on justification of spend. Whether it be marketing spend or office leasing, smart business people are all looking at ways to maximise value and return-on-investment. The business model is evolving into one that can harness the power of agile services. Whether this be serviced office space or a freelance / contract workforce, management teams are looking for way to reduce fixed costs and two of the largest areas of fixed costs are wages and office space. Both of which are based on employee numbers.

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Topics: Employees, Jobs Board, Employee Wellbeing, e-Recruitment Software, HRIS Software, hr software, Employee Engagement, Human Resources Managers, Business Planning, Human Resources Professionals, API Communication

Machine Learning and Algorithms in HR Software and e-Recruitment Software

Posted by Mathew French on 20 April 2016

The next wave of HR Software innovation has arrived. Without rushing too far ahead, here is a recap of the amazing disruption that has occurred in the HR Software Market over the past 5 years.

There has been a dramatic shift in the pricing model of HR Cloud SaaS. There is a huge shift from on premise licencing to Annualised. Oracle has made this shift and is now one of the biggest generators of revenue in the Cloud Software space.

Public price. No longer can software companies hide behind complexity. Consumers want to know how much they are going to have to spend before they look at a product. They want to be able to try before they buy. This is now a mandatory requirement.

Configuration. Gone are the days of software companies clawing customisation $ away from customers. Historically, businesses have been at the mercy of Software vendors. Even simple changes had been expensive and complex to perform. With pure-play HR Software systems, end-user configuration is straight forward. Customers can save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the product.

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Topics: HR, e-Recruitment Software, HRIS Software, E-Recruitment,, hr software, Performance Management Software

A Good Business Is Built On A 'Human Workplace Culture'

Posted by Mathew French on 14 April 2016

Here at Subscribe-HR, we have long been advocates for building more human workplaces. Our focus is on building software that at its foundation enables and facilitates the end-goal of making such workplace environments possible. Ultimately, building a human workplace culture, and making work more 'human' is the best way to create more engaged, productive, and ultimately more happy employees. Right about now though, you might be wondering exactly what it means to make work 'more human.' Just as 'The Human Era' heralded the decline of the Institutional era and ushered in a search for trust; trustworthiness in others, in businesses and in brands, building a human workplace culture is shaping up to be an essential ingredient in positively impacting the employee experience, culture management, and leadership. At its core, it is about creating workplace environments where people can show up at work and be fully themselves, that is; be whole and imperfect, be real, and be accepted.

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Topics: Culture and Values, Employment Culture, HR Software Project, e-Recruitment Software, HR Culture, Human Workplace Culture, Recognition

The Algorithms Transforming HR Software

Posted by Mathew French on 8 October 2015

Gone are the days when e-Recruitment and Core-HR Software systems were just clumps of code that only store static data. Over the past 8 years, Human Resources systems have undergone a significant evolution - with the architecture of many of today's solutions virtually unrecognisable in comparison to their early noughties counterparts. Even the Payroll space has been radically transformed, despite the fact that many people thought it would take a lot longer for Payroll and Finance to go on-line and be cloud based in a mainstream manner. At the foundation of all these changes is the purpose of connecting both people and different systems together to create increased efficiencies and greater degrees of freedom. This level of innovation and automation has created inspiring levels of progress and change for many businesses, but what is in store during the next 5 to 10 years?

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Topics: HR, performance management, e-Recruitment Software, HRIS Software, E-Recruitment, eRecruitment Software, hr software, Performance Management Software, HR Software Algorithms, Algorithms, Performance Feedback Software

Subscribe-HR Now Integrated With Indeed, The World's #1 Job Site

Posted by Mathew French on 16 April 2015

Subscribe-HR is pleased to announce its latest integration partner : Indeed, the World's number 1 Job site. The addition of Indeed to our growing list of integrated platforms and applications, means more ways that HR Professionals can create better work, better workplaces and a better world. By enabling HR Professionals to do less of what they don't like, and more of what they love - like making a difference to their employees and sourcing / retaining top tier talent, Subscribe-HR's HR Software gives HR Professionals more options than ever to excel, to lead and make the lives of employees everywhere, better, happier and more productive.

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Topics: Integration, e-Recruitment Software, Recruitment Software, Indeed, Job Board

Core-HR ROI: Manual Versus Automated

Posted by Mathew French on 5 February 2015

Managing the procedures and processes required during the entire lifecycle of each and every employee is quite a complicated process, especially in Australia due to the legal and regulatory requirements.

Despite the availability of cost effective solutions like Cloud, SaaS Human Resource Management Software, many organisations, including those with 1000+ employees, still use Excel spreadsheets to complete the majority of their Core-HR requirements.

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Topics: Applicant Tracking System, Digital HR Software, e-Recruitment Software, E-Recruitment, SaaS, Recruitment Software, Core-HR, ROI, Cloud

e-Recruitment ROI: Manual Versus Automated

Posted by Mathew French on 29 January 2015

Recruitment is an increasingly big data process. However, we're constantly surprised when we hear reports, such as those that Software Advice shared with us in our recent Payroll tech trends Blog, about the continued reliance on Excel amongst HR Professionals. According to their study many HR Professionals are still recruiting for candidates with advanced Excel skills. This implies that many organisations are still running their HR procedures and processes off spreadsheets. Not only is this inefficient, but it really isn't cost effective at all. Many organisations still believe that the price of HR software is prohibitive, however, given the changes that Cloud technology has enabled in the HR software space, when you look at the numbers, it's actually more costly to your organisation to not be using a Cloud based, SaaS solution to enhance the performance of your HR team.

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Topics: erecruitment, Applicant Tracking System, Digital HR Software, HR Cloud, HR SaaS, e-Recruitment Software, E-Recruitment, Recruitment, eRecruitment Software, hr software, ROI

What's Next: e-Recruitment Evolves

Posted by Mathew French on 28 August 2014

We've had a lot of feedback from both our clients and network of contacts, about what's been missing from recruitment solutions and we decided it was time to take a look at what's next for e-Recuritment. We've spent a lot of time thinking about how to create the best e-Recruitment solution available. By incorporating all the features and functionality that systems users have requested, we've created something that will evolve e-Recruitment to the next level. You asked, we listened, we researched, and we've created a solution that makes it easier than ever to align values, source passive candidates and harvest big data. Consider the below scenarios and ask yourself if any of it rings true?


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Topics: e-Recruitment Software, Recruitment, e-Recruitment evolves

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